Sunday, January 2, 2011

Green - the good ones

images via House and Garden
I hope you are all settling into early 2011 with a relaxing mini-break.  We have been laying pretty low and it's been very nice to be at home all together.  Lots of quiet catch ups with friends and family.  The indulgent eating has to stop at some point surely?

Do you have any resolutions?  Apart from the obvious health related ones that pepper my list every year, I intend to keep on blogging, go to the cinema more often and revert back to the one I made in 2009, which was to see more live music.  It was about the only one I didn't break! And not only that but I saw some great live acts. 

Now onto to the green above.  It's quite refreshing to see a 'pop' of green (instead of that yellow that I'm always banging on about).  Green just makes me feel good and I think it is because it is so intrinsically linked with nature that it blends beautifully from outside to inside.  Especially the bright green in the last shot. And not just any green, all greens - olive, emerald, jade, mint, lime, moss, chartreuse, army green, British racing green.  Whoops, hang on... perhaps not bottle green as it reminds me too much of my school uniform which was especially ugly when teamed with red and grey.  What were they thinking when that one was devised?  Yuck, dispose of those hideous thoughts or memories from your mind with the following picture because it certainly didn't look like this!

image via here via The Sartorialist

1 comment:

  1. Nice one greenie! Love the green touches in the kitchen hmmmm...
