Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little bit of sunshine

Obviously praying to Ra and the meterologist worked. And doesn't a little bit of sunshine make you feel good? I can hear kids playing outside and birds singing in the trees. The washing is relegated back to hanging on the line and dry in a few minutes. With September around the corner, I hope that the permanent spring weather is too.

How cute is this little man? The innocence of childhood.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Now obviously my last post was originally intended for summer, but the reality of posting it somewhat later than originally intended has meant that I look ridiculous considering the weather at the moment.

What I wouldn't give for a bit of 'extreme summer sun' because quite frankly I've had enough of this cold, wet, dreary, bone-chilling weather. I'm sure I'm not alone so let's pray to the sun gods or the meterologists or whoever is responsible for a bit of warmth. Enough is enough. If it's going to be cold then I want to be in this place.

Photo credit Ski in Luxury

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To blog or not to blog

I wonder just how many blogs have started with that as the subject matter?

Last night I had another hilarious night out with my girlfriends (oh, how we laughed) and it inspired me to bite the bullet and just start this once and for all. The first post seems to be the hardest. Although there is much material to discuss, it seems to be more a matter of where to start followed by where to head and then how to do it. Once the band aid of this post has been ripped off there will be no stopping me, but in the meantime I feel like I am hovering over the band aid with my picky finger (you know the one).

So many beautiful things seem to inspire me so first up is a simple moment surrounded by happy laughter in the extreme summer sun last night.